Music Department Course Offerings
905 -Beginning Acoustical Guitar (1/2 year)
This half-year course is designed for students with no previous guitar experience. Students will learn many of the different styles, skills and techniques required to become a successful guitarist. Skills to be learned include: correct posture and hand position, note reading, forming chords, scale patterns, fingerings, strumming, finger picking, flat picking and performing in class with the instructor.
1/2 unit of credit No Prerequisite
906 -Intermediate Acoustical Guitar (1/2 year)
This half-year course is designed for any/all students that have completed Beginning Acoustic Guitar and would like to learn more about the guitar while participating in a Guitar Ensemble. Skills to be learned include: Standard guitar repertoire of varying styles, improvisation, barre chords, pentatonic scales, major/minor scales in two/three octaves, alternate tunings, and an increased focus on ensemble performance.
1/2 unit of credit Prerequisite –Beginning Acoustical Guitar
907-An Introduction to Music Technology (1/2 year)
This half-year course is designed for students who are particularly interested in music production and composition. The ability to read music/play piano is recommended but not required. Skills to be learned include: basic/advanced compositional techniques, music theory, the application of MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), looping, mixing, live sound recording techniques, professional music notation, incorporating plug-ins/effects into a mix, aural ear training, bouncing, sampling, music history and piano.
1/2 unit of credit No Prerequisite Student Requests Accepted
909 -Piano Lab -(1/2 year)
This course will introduce basic keyboard skills including chords, scales and playing simple songs. Students will be able to perform in a classroom recital at the end of the semester. All students must be at the beginner level to take this course.
1/2 unit of credit No Prerequisite
910 –Advanced Piano- (1/2 year)
This course will provide instruction and opportunities to perform for students who have already had several years of studying piano.
1/2 unit of credit No Prerequisite
911 -Music Theory 1 (1/2 year)
The theory class will discuss basics of music construction: key signatures, meter, intervals, major/minor scales and triads. Basic form and analysis.
1/2 unit of credit No Prerequisite
912 –Music Theory 2 (1/2 year)
Intermediate music construction: Inversions, 7th Chords, form and analysis, modes and cadences counterpoint.
1/2 unit of credit Prerequisite-Music Theory 1 or placement test
922 -Concert Choir (full year) Grades 9-12
Enrollment in Concert Choir is available for all who love to sing. Different styles of music will be performed including musical theatre, classical, pop, opera, rock, and jazz. Students in the choir are eligible to audition for A Capella, Barbershop, South Singers, Soul Sisters, Vocal Arts, and Chamber Choir. Choir meets five days a week.
1/2 unit of credit No Prerequisite
925 -Vocal Arts (1/2 year)
The study of vocal technique, breath support, sight-reading and song preparation of literature from Broadway, Pop and Jazz. This class will culminate in a vocal recital. Scenes from Broadway and Opera literature will be performed. Advanced pianists may take this course as well.
1/2 unit of credit-Pass/Fail Corequisite -Concert Choir for vocalists. No corequisite for advanced pianists.
932 -Symphonic Band (full year) Grades 9-12
Enrollment in the Symphonic Band is available to all woodwind, brass and percussion in grades 9-12. The symphonic band meets five days per week, period 1. All students must be registered into a performance class in order to participate in concerts, trips and to be eligible to participate in NYSBDA Honor's Band, All-County, All-State, All-Eastern and All-National select ensembles. All members of the Symphonic Band perform at the Winter and Spring Concerts, Winter Music Assembly, Great Neck Memorial Day Parade, Graduation, and at other in school and outside performances.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite-registered in band last year or approval of the director by audition.
935 -String Orchestra (full year) Grades 9-12
Available to all string players in grades 9-12. The String Orchestra meets five days per week, period 9. Students in String Orchestra perform in our pops orchestra, string and symphony orchestra performing in the Winter Concert, Winter daytime assembly, Music Fundraiser and Spring Concert.
1 unit of credit Grades 9 -12 Prerequisite: Enrollment in a performance group in 8th grade or approval of the Director. An audition may be required for those not previously enrolled in orchestra.
**Students are selected for chamber orchestra and wind ensemble by the music director of that ensemble based on the following criteria:
As is the goal each year, we look to balance our two ensembles in both bands (symphonic band and wind ensemble) and orchestras (string orchestra and chamber string orchestra) based on instrumentation and need in order to provide outstanding ensembles throughout our instrumental music program.
1. Placement into Chamber Orchestra and Wind Ensemble is open to students in grades 10, 11 and 12 based on the number of graduating seniors, students not returning to the program, or students moving or leaving Great Neck South High School. This will dictate which instrument sections have available seating and the number of available seats in that given instrument section. In a rare occasion a 9th grader may be considered to fill a vacancy based on a specific instrument need for that year.
2. Musical Performance Level should be equal to NYSSMA level or teacher determined 6A+ in strings, 5A+ or 6A or higher on woodwind, brass and percussion as evidence through a previous NYSSMA rating sheet or by our music director evaluation.
3. Musicianship: This goes beyond your level of performance on your instrument. This pertains to your engagement in the ensemble with the class, your instrument section/s and the music director. Participation in extracurricular musical activities both in school and outside of school offers addition information regarding your musical interests and experience. Class attendance including absences and lateness will factor in the decision if necessary.
936 –Chamber Orchestra-Strings (full year) Grades 10-12
Open to “selected” string students in grades 10, 11 or 12 or by audition with the recommendation from their music teacher and approval of the Department Head. This ensemble will rehearse and perform NYSSMA level 6 music from the standard string and symphony orchestral literature that includes overtures, symphonies, concertos, pops orchestra, musicals, jazz. Chamber music groups will be formed for consideration in the Lincoln Center Chamber Music Competition. Students need to be playing on this level to be considered for participation. All students in the class will be required to perform all chamber orchestra concerts and musical performances. Performances include Winter Concert, Winter Music Assembly, Music Fundraiser, Concerto Night and Spring Concert. Our chamber strings also perform in the Opera and for the Musical.
1 unit of credit - Grades 10-12 only. Enrollment is based on selection or by audition. Approval required by Department Chair to register.
937 –Wind Ensemble/Symphony Orchestra-Band Students (full year) Grades 10-12
Open to “selected" woodwind, brass and percussion students from symphonic band in grades 10, 11 or 12 by audition with the recommendation from their music teacher and approval of the Department Head. Students in the wind ensemble/chamber orchestra will rehearse period 2 and perform in both ensembles during the same class period as scheduled by the director. The music literature performed is equal to NYSSMA Level 6. All students in the class will be required to perform in all wind ensemble and chamber orchestra concerts and musical performances.
1 unit of credit - Grades 10-12. Enrollment is based on selection or by audition. Approval required by Department Chair to register.
939 -Jazz Band (full year) Grades 9-12
Meets one afternoon per week from 2:45pm.-3:50pm. Enrollment in the Jazz Band is by audition and is open to all registered woodwind, brass, and percussion students enrolled in a music performance class. Students who play piano, electric guitar, and electric bass are encouraged to audition. The members of the Jazz Band will perform at the Winter and Spring Concerts, Great Neck Retired Teachers luncheon and 8th Grade Assembly, as well as outside performances. Students who have an interest in the art of Jazz and Improvisation are encouraged to enroll.
Full Year-No credit, but listed on student’s transcript
905 -Beginning Acoustical Guitar (1/2 year)
This half-year course is designed for students with no previous guitar experience. Students will learn many of the different styles, skills and techniques required to become a successful guitarist. Skills to be learned include: correct posture and hand position, note reading, forming chords, scale patterns, fingerings, strumming, finger picking, flat picking and performing in class with the instructor.
1/2 unit of credit No Prerequisite
906 -Intermediate Acoustical Guitar (1/2 year)
This half-year course is designed for any/all students that have completed Beginning Acoustic Guitar and would like to learn more about the guitar while participating in a Guitar Ensemble. Skills to be learned include: Standard guitar repertoire of varying styles, improvisation, barre chords, pentatonic scales, major/minor scales in two/three octaves, alternate tunings, and an increased focus on ensemble performance.
1/2 unit of credit Prerequisite –Beginning Acoustical Guitar
907-An Introduction to Music Technology (1/2 year)
This half-year course is designed for students who are particularly interested in music production and composition. The ability to read music/play piano is recommended but not required. Skills to be learned include: basic/advanced compositional techniques, music theory, the application of MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), looping, mixing, live sound recording techniques, professional music notation, incorporating plug-ins/effects into a mix, aural ear training, bouncing, sampling, music history and piano.
1/2 unit of credit No Prerequisite Student Requests Accepted
909 -Piano Lab -(1/2 year)
This course will introduce basic keyboard skills including chords, scales and playing simple songs. Students will be able to perform in a classroom recital at the end of the semester. All students must be at the beginner level to take this course.
1/2 unit of credit No Prerequisite
910 –Advanced Piano- (1/2 year)
This course will provide instruction and opportunities to perform for students who have already had several years of studying piano.
1/2 unit of credit No Prerequisite
911 -Music Theory 1 (1/2 year)
The theory class will discuss basics of music construction: key signatures, meter, intervals, major/minor scales and triads. Basic form and analysis.
1/2 unit of credit No Prerequisite
912 –Music Theory 2 (1/2 year)
Intermediate music construction: Inversions, 7th Chords, form and analysis, modes and cadences counterpoint.
1/2 unit of credit Prerequisite-Music Theory 1 or placement test
922 -Concert Choir (full year) Grades 9-12
Enrollment in Concert Choir is available for all who love to sing. Different styles of music will be performed including musical theatre, classical, pop, opera, rock, and jazz. Students in the choir are eligible to audition for A Capella, Barbershop, South Singers, Soul Sisters, Vocal Arts, and Chamber Choir. Choir meets five days a week.
1/2 unit of credit No Prerequisite
925 -Vocal Arts (1/2 year)
The study of vocal technique, breath support, sight-reading and song preparation of literature from Broadway, Pop and Jazz. This class will culminate in a vocal recital. Scenes from Broadway and Opera literature will be performed. Advanced pianists may take this course as well.
1/2 unit of credit-Pass/Fail Corequisite -Concert Choir for vocalists. No corequisite for advanced pianists.
932 -Symphonic Band (full year) Grades 9-12
Enrollment in the Symphonic Band is available to all woodwind, brass and percussion in grades 9-12. The symphonic band meets five days per week, period 1. All students must be registered into a performance class in order to participate in concerts, trips and to be eligible to participate in NYSBDA Honor's Band, All-County, All-State, All-Eastern and All-National select ensembles. All members of the Symphonic Band perform at the Winter and Spring Concerts, Winter Music Assembly, Great Neck Memorial Day Parade, Graduation, and at other in school and outside performances.
1 unit of credit Prerequisite-registered in band last year or approval of the director by audition.
935 -String Orchestra (full year) Grades 9-12
Available to all string players in grades 9-12. The String Orchestra meets five days per week, period 9. Students in String Orchestra perform in our pops orchestra, string and symphony orchestra performing in the Winter Concert, Winter daytime assembly, Music Fundraiser and Spring Concert.
1 unit of credit Grades 9 -12 Prerequisite: Enrollment in a performance group in 8th grade or approval of the Director. An audition may be required for those not previously enrolled in orchestra.
**Students are selected for chamber orchestra and wind ensemble by the music director of that ensemble based on the following criteria:
As is the goal each year, we look to balance our two ensembles in both bands (symphonic band and wind ensemble) and orchestras (string orchestra and chamber string orchestra) based on instrumentation and need in order to provide outstanding ensembles throughout our instrumental music program.
1. Placement into Chamber Orchestra and Wind Ensemble is open to students in grades 10, 11 and 12 based on the number of graduating seniors, students not returning to the program, or students moving or leaving Great Neck South High School. This will dictate which instrument sections have available seating and the number of available seats in that given instrument section. In a rare occasion a 9th grader may be considered to fill a vacancy based on a specific instrument need for that year.
2. Musical Performance Level should be equal to NYSSMA level or teacher determined 6A+ in strings, 5A+ or 6A or higher on woodwind, brass and percussion as evidence through a previous NYSSMA rating sheet or by our music director evaluation.
3. Musicianship: This goes beyond your level of performance on your instrument. This pertains to your engagement in the ensemble with the class, your instrument section/s and the music director. Participation in extracurricular musical activities both in school and outside of school offers addition information regarding your musical interests and experience. Class attendance including absences and lateness will factor in the decision if necessary.
936 –Chamber Orchestra-Strings (full year) Grades 10-12
Open to “selected” string students in grades 10, 11 or 12 or by audition with the recommendation from their music teacher and approval of the Department Head. This ensemble will rehearse and perform NYSSMA level 6 music from the standard string and symphony orchestral literature that includes overtures, symphonies, concertos, pops orchestra, musicals, jazz. Chamber music groups will be formed for consideration in the Lincoln Center Chamber Music Competition. Students need to be playing on this level to be considered for participation. All students in the class will be required to perform all chamber orchestra concerts and musical performances. Performances include Winter Concert, Winter Music Assembly, Music Fundraiser, Concerto Night and Spring Concert. Our chamber strings also perform in the Opera and for the Musical.
1 unit of credit - Grades 10-12 only. Enrollment is based on selection or by audition. Approval required by Department Chair to register.
937 –Wind Ensemble/Symphony Orchestra-Band Students (full year) Grades 10-12
Open to “selected" woodwind, brass and percussion students from symphonic band in grades 10, 11 or 12 by audition with the recommendation from their music teacher and approval of the Department Head. Students in the wind ensemble/chamber orchestra will rehearse period 2 and perform in both ensembles during the same class period as scheduled by the director. The music literature performed is equal to NYSSMA Level 6. All students in the class will be required to perform in all wind ensemble and chamber orchestra concerts and musical performances.
1 unit of credit - Grades 10-12. Enrollment is based on selection or by audition. Approval required by Department Chair to register.
939 -Jazz Band (full year) Grades 9-12
Meets one afternoon per week from 2:45pm.-3:50pm. Enrollment in the Jazz Band is by audition and is open to all registered woodwind, brass, and percussion students enrolled in a music performance class. Students who play piano, electric guitar, and electric bass are encouraged to audition. The members of the Jazz Band will perform at the Winter and Spring Concerts, Great Neck Retired Teachers luncheon and 8th Grade Assembly, as well as outside performances. Students who have an interest in the art of Jazz and Improvisation are encouraged to enroll.
Full Year-No credit, but listed on student’s transcript