If you are interested in having MCO perform for your organization or at a function, please contact Michael Schwartz
at [email protected] or leave a message on the voice mail at (516) 441-4851.
MCO meets every Monday after school in room 309 till 3:30pm.
Any Great Neck South High School student is welcome to join us!
December 21, 2012
Seven MCO members went to Ronald McDonald House on December 21st (The evening of Winter Recess!) to perform. Thank you Rebecca, Juliana, Gloria, Rena, Donna, Lindsay and Elizabeth. We performed holiday tunes for the residents and staff. I cannot tell you how rewarding and wonderful it was to perform there. This is a place we will return to perform many times.
December 20, 2012
Members of MCO went to the Great Neck Senior Center to provide Holiday Music along with the Great Neck South High Community Outreach who provided a Holiday Dinner. The event was very well received by all the seniors in attendance. This is the second year we attended this event.
Great Neck Community School
Tuesday, April 24, 2011
Members of MCO went to the Great Neck Community School during "MUSIC WEEK" to introduce students to various instruments. We divided each half hour lesson teaching the children about three different instrument families (strings, woodwind and brass) and each of the different instruments within the instrument grouping. I then had students perform as individuals, duet and trios demonstrating their instrument. We then had a "hands on" demonstration allowing the children to come up and touch the instruments and work the bow, keys and valves to show them how to produce different sounds. We concluded each class as a full ensemble playing a Disney piece followed by the taking of a group picture with the Great Neck Community School Children and Great Neck South High students.
Saint Mary's Hospital for Children
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Members of our choir along with members of MCO performed at Saint Mary's Children Hospital for the children, family members and staff. Thank you to Jake Grusd for coordinating this event. Special thanks to Mr. Jonathan Geffner for accompanying our singers and for performing as well!
Great Neck Breast Cancer Walk
Great Neck Senior Center
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Members of MCO performed at the Great Neck Senior Center for the Great Neck Breast Cancer walk. In attendance at the event were Board of Education Trustee, Donald Ashkenase, NY State Assemblywomen Michelle Schimel and Nassau County Legislator Judi Bosworth.